Sunday, November 1, 2009

God Consciousness by Matthew Scforcina

Common Sense and Practicality Research: The White Light, Demons, Jesus, Money and followers of Satan

Youtube comment: I’ve encountered spiritual beings of many different kinds. In short it's simple they either serve Satan and identify with him when you press it OR they work for JESUS. Having encountered demons there's one common thing between them all. They ALL hate the name of JESUS and ALL KNOW that He is LORD of lords and King of kings and that He (JESUS not some impersonal own personal made up no name deity) BEAT THEM at the cross at cavalry.

My perspective: In my experiences I have understood that the white light (the same construct you believe in blindly) created these visions of ghosts and demons so you may remain a slave to god and belief, without questioning. How did I test the validity as an example: I looked at how god and the white light beings speak of ghosts and demons and how you must stay away from satan... but would do nothing to assist them – indicating the deception that is god and religion. Also I see your comment is based completely on a god and satan you have never witnessed but only repeat information about from a book – this invalidates you speaking as if it is truth of what is really going on here.

Youtube comment: Demons can only be relieved through the power of god; I know this because I feel him within me!

My perspective: yes it is called mind possession, keeping you and the participant entertained and glorified in your ego's - yet you’re not willing to let go off the same god that would allow such a freak show without actual solutions that support all equally so possession of the mind may stop - such as self forgiveness - which we have tested stops possession as the person stops it themselves - no words like GOD or JESUS required - therefore no possession to god energy required

Youtube comment: You need to get to know jesus!
My perspective: what you’re not getting is that 'I don’t have to know Jesus' because I AM HERE. SELF-forgiveness is how I support me within self honesty and self direction. Any external attempt to guide self through a deity or belief (a belief is an idea that will never be in the physical as an actuality, but only remains a belief within the minds of humans) - is dishonest as it is not who I AM. Use common sense for a moment if you are able to string a sentence together that does not contain jesus or god or hope.

Youtube comments on: Money and self-value:

My perspective: The current money system is based on a value-system of self. Thus the way we participate with money and attempt to define self definition with money, is the reason why abuse is allowed - it has become an accepted system of ‘living’ within this world.’ to change the way we participate with money would then obviously start with our own self definitions, values and points of separation will receive the money system in the colossal way it stands now as acceptable.

How do we find out our value system? Start with our day-to-day participations and see where we allow for energetic exchanges with people, experiences, and things in our world. Those same energetic exchanges is how we have come to design the money system on an un-seen level because over ages of time we have gone from energetic experiences to designing money to simplify and stand as an immediate energetic validation, as a buying of/exchanging according to the definition we have given 'money'.

Youtube comments: Anton in the afterlife speaking through the Portal – why is Anton not the same in the afterlife as he was on earth?

My perspective: people who consider these interviews: blasphemous, are the ones who require Anton as he was here on earth, to support them in their ‘personalities’. Look at it for yourself - people, who require dimensional beings to be as they were here on earth, are saying that they have to follow a personality, without actually standing up in common sense themselves. People who follow others just to find that they are different in the afterlife – are shocked – because now you see that Anton was a mind system attempting to find reason – just like you are trying to find reason and purpose and direction, without giving it to yourself. I mean Anton is explaining from the afterlife that he too realised what it means to support himself, without relying on beliefs, ideologies, personalities – and what it means to be self honest. You hold onto the old ‘Anton’ because the message is not what you are willing to face. That is why you don’t want Anton or you to change.

Youtube comments on: People who claim they see ghosts and trust that they send them off to a better place and that they understand Wicca.

My perspective: But you are not a dimensional being able to walk amongst the demons within the demon dimension and here, observing who was really presenting themselves to humans as guides/deities - just to survive off their energy - we have an interview with Jack - he explains either demons or white light beings directed people. In self honesty, you don’t see the beings as they are dimensionally who you believe 'guide' you. Have you gone to the summer lands or it is only a vision? POINT OF MY VIDEOS

Experiencing energy from others:

Youtube Comment: 'I can sense your energy even though you’re not close’
My perspective: Energy is created by the mind through polarity friction for the mind to exist and run as programs. Thus what you are experiencing is your own mind consciousness energy as you summon up an opinion about another that takes you into an 'experience' of energy - that validates your opinion.

Youtube Comment: 'people like you are the followers of Satan and his demonic army',

My perspective: due to this statement based in hearsay, your entire comment is now invalid, as you have proven yourself to only speak from a place of knowledge you have copied from other people - neither you or them have met satan or his army - thus it is a symbolic statement of your fear - you display - based on the fears of your parents and society. I suggest look at what you comment using basic common sense.

My perspective on Poverty:

I suggest we start by looking at how we justify and support the current money system. To stop the money system as it is we have to look at how we have come to depend on and define our self worth through money - this is the self honest point each human must ask themselves - otherwise 'being sad' about these videos is useless.
We have to consider how we have all co-created the money system as it is and self direct the way we interact with money - otherwise arguing about these images is just another front while nobody takes self responsibility
My perspective on: Angels:

Angels were programs created by the white light to keep you distracted from taking actual self direction within self-honesty. Thus they created beautiful visions and feelings you equate to angels. Look at it for yourself in self honesty - why do you think these angels can’t intervene and stop actual world events like murder, war - but only keep your mind in a bubble of nice feelings and pictures - been there - done that.

Youtube comment about the ‘Christ experience’

My perspective: Yes cool how the white light designed angels as mind creations to keep humans like you in a bubble of god consciousness while the world goes to shit - cool stuff. Youtube Comment: 'Of course fallen angels are terribly bothersome and evil and deceptive' –

Youtube comments in which people say we must not speak to demons because they are despicable and are fallen angels.

My perspective: oh experiencing some honest insight into your own nature, or again making up stories about fallen angels you've apparently, maybe witnessed. Suggest not posting stories as I-witness accounts when you know these experiences are based on feelings.


Youtube comment: saying we are more than likely delving into darkness by speaking to the deceased and that we should leave spirit work up to the professionals:

My perspective: ‘More than likely’- yes your working with assumption.
And tell me why don’t the 'professionals' do anything to stop spirits apparently lost on the earth plane - why dont they question god about the fact that he justifies leaving spirits until some egotistical human comes along to professionally 'remove' them - sounds lime god as man has designed him is spiteful. Look at all your excuses why this is allowed - all justification so humans may appear special.

Youtube comment saying I did not practice ‘real’ Wicca(in response to my demon possession videos in which I talk about practicing Wicca);

My perspective: but you're assuming that Wicca is not practiced differently by some people - I copied this Wicca from a friend who went to Wiccan circles who learnt it from books - showing that religion is merely based on supporting your beliefs, your opinions, to make you feel special within your current personality

Youtube Comment: people presenting common sense are satans.

My perspective: so what your saying is people who have a discussion to present common sense are little satans, and that we should rather blissfully continue deluding ourselves into thinking: 'the ideal of a benevolent all loving mind may be absent from the hearts of many but it does exist'
Yes Satan represents the point where you don’t accept beautiful words anymore and you stand up and face this world and take it apart to stop all deception - the opposite of beautiful gestures that mean nothing.

Youtube comment about ‘seeing evil in us:

My perspective: Common sense: evil has not been measured to actually exist, it is only a belief you have accepted - thus what does exist here is you creating this world through your desires. When you say to someone: ‘I see evil in you’ – I suggest look at yourself - and you will see that you are reflecting yourself back to you. Your mind though will protect you to not see what you create in this world through your self interest - and mirror what you do so you see it 'as others being evil'

My perspective on a comment about enlightenment and religion:

I suggest look at enlightenment and religion for yourself using common sense: the only reason why people don’t support themselves here in the physical as the breath in self honesty and self responsibility - is because they are afraid of taking responsibility, and would like to feel special because we've come to accept our minds and that we need to give ourselves some special purpose. Enlightenment gives you a nice feeling about yourself and diverts your attention.

Youtube comment: ‘we must stop the polarity of bad by having only happy thoughts’:

My perspective: And now you play the polarity game which creates energy for all the minds of the world to exist and function. The Polarity balance requires both polarities and that is what is used to keep world systems as world minds effective - create fear of death and people will go to the opposite polarity to try and escape - and then the opposite manifests as war and murder.

My perspective on a Youtube commenter saying to another: ‘bless you’
You want to be special and nobody is falling for it. Saying to someone: 'bless you' is like saying I'm turning you into a pumpkin now. You have about as much ability to bless anything, as you have the ability to stop the illusion that apparently by throwing random religious words around - people will experience themselves better. Have you tested your blessing abilities where it actually matters in the world (instead of here on youtube) - and stopped war, murder, rape?

My perspective on a question asked about ‘how does one know you are controlled by the sex system:

I suggest stop participating in sex and masturbation for a while, to see where and how your conditioned programming plays out - then you will see are you possessed by it - are you able to stop - are pictures and feelings involved. Sex I find is a long process of developing self intimacy and self trust. You stop by focusing on your breath and self forgiveness.

My perspective on a forum post about: Drinking/Drugs and now I am able to laugh:

I suggest let's look at the point of for example: only laughing when you’re drinking or using drugs. How does one now take that point of laughing and working with the suppressions/blockages, so that laughing becomes you in expression no matter where or with who we are.

What I did when I worked with suppression expression and suppression of unconditional laughter, is I would randomly during me day, see if I was able to laugh or smile. In a single moment I would stop, focus on me, and see if I am still enough, quiet enough to laugh. From inside of me welled sadness instead.

Now I realised by allowing me to go into the point that was at the core of the suppression – that I was hiding the experience of myself which of course was the experience of sadness with regards to:
I looked further into me and allowed the point to present itself. I became angry, I became overwhelmed with thoughts of feeling ‘done in’, feeling ‘not heard’, feeling not considered.

Now I was able to look at where and how had I participated in the idea and manifested experience of myself on an emotional level – in these ‘experiences’. From the where and how – I was able to see in which situation did my lack of common sense, consideration and no effective self direction – result in the situation as me experiencing myself as being compromised. I looked at how to approach situation from within consideration for myself and others – not just how I want to experience me.

My perspective on a Youtube comment about the portal being unisex and that she should stop and be a ‘woman’

No she is not a unisex person. If you look at 'female and male' expression the only reason they exist is to draw in the opposite sex through subtle manipulations, symbology and Innuendo’s – all of this to create desire and finally to get sex. If you look at our day to day expression – there is no way we need ‘female’ or ‘male’ expression. Sexual expression also does not require of the one to express programmed body behaviour – as what does that actually do for the one expressing themselves?
To justify that males have to act male and females have to act female, is to say that one requires trigger behaviours that links in with pictures and desires you have connected to sex

My perspective on: a youtube commenter saying: ‘we should stop telling people there is more than conscious thoughts and that he is fully in control of his physical and his thoughts’:

As example: you only experience your conscious mind, the thoughts you see moving and the things you do consciously - where those thoughts come from and why they direct each one differently - you don’t see - this would be looking into the subconscious, then unconscious mind which is how all minds of the world connect. ‘The Physical does things for you’ - again you don’t see because you don’t see within physicality as dimensionality - you’re only aware of us being subject to reactions within physical.
My perspective on a Youtube commenter asking about system designs – is mental illness also specific designs?

All system designs are relevant to the design of the world as it is. Also we have found that some 'physical/mental dysfunctions are due to the physical not being able to handle these systems or disintegrating at an old age from the systems feeding off the physical.

My perspective on Youtube comment: Energy is sound

Energy is for the mind consciousness system to exist - it creates energy through us participating in emotions that creates polarity friction. Energy is therefore a mind system and is how we have separated ourselves as a mind program. Energy is not sound. Sound is 'wholeness' of substance, one and equal to all parts - when the inside and outside is the same and not changeable or subject to 'energy.' Look at it for yourself - energy is limited – it has a beginning and end.
My perspective on a statement made to me on Youtube about: Money
Comment: Andrea Rossouw If we look in self honesty at the world problems, we will notice the majority of ways people experience themselves is due to money which has become our point of survival. So if we have an equal money for all system - it will already solve many of the problems. People are suppressed and angry because our existence here is that of survival and from there we accept ourselves as that - survival.

My perspective: yes James, I was talking to people yesterday about how different each person’s experience of themselves will be, if the way we grew up was not watching our parents surviving. This obviously results in the acceptance when growing up, that we to must go into the system and survive – and then we do the same by having children – haha. For example who would I be now, if I existed here without my past experiences being based on survival.

Each of us know where we give value too ourselves through how we participate with money. How do you know somebody defines themselves through money and survival – suggest to them an equal money system for all – and they go crazy: ‘no ways.’ Question is why we would not want money and basic needs to be equally accessible to all, so that what remains is for each to live in self honest, self expression, rather than living to earn money…

Youtube Comment: you allow yourself to exist in darkness, turn to the light?

My perspective: No actually where we live, we have lots of light everyday just like you. I take it you meant sunlight - because otherwise your statement would be completely irrelevant if you were revering to some spiritual -light - because that opinion comes from within your own mind, see - that theory does not exist in mine, nor does it actually exist in this physical reality - it is subject merely to your beliefs which are designed around what you fear.

Youtube Comment: 2012 is doomsday:

My perspective: Your saying 2012 is a doomsday, yet you cannot actually proof that, it was made up by people who like entertaining themselves through new age practices and fear driven hobbies. What about what you really see around you, which you won’t mention - starvation, rape, murder, abuse? No these things are real but people don’t focus on that because it doesn't make them feel good like 2012 practises. For us to stop what already exists people will have to change, apply themselves, become self honest. 2012 is a lot cooler!

Youtube comment: Why do we listen to and speak to Demons?

My perspective: Demons see exactly what humans are because they themselves are a self honest representation of what they allowed themselves to become, humans however see what they want to see and thus reject the existence of demons within the afterlife or within themselves - and will claim: 'demons are not real,' but look at the information he presents: all basic common sense of what we have allowed ourselves to become - let's see who will defends themselves as actors in the system..

My perspective on: Children become copies of their parents:

Yes agreed, we tend to allow ourselves to exist as the system within survival and therefore go into suppression, denial, compromise - then because we don’t face this point we either try and live through our children who we make into copies of our desires or we try and own them, because we desire to be special and powerful in a world where each is just a number. Instead of parents being self honest they use the excuse: ‘but it is my right to have children’

Common Sense and Practicality Research: The Breath, Indigo's, Energy, Positive thoughts, Compromise, Feelings/Emotions, Drugs and Self Honesty

Desteni forum question: Is in breath and out breath polarities?

My perspective: Breathing in itself is not polarity as it is a physical action that supports the physical and is the actual stability point here as ourselves within THE PHYSICAl. Polarity is the information opposites that have energetic charges within a being depending on the value we have given the information - based on right/wrong, good/bad.

Youtube comments:

‘Indigos are the colour of the aura and same applies to Rainbow and all special ones there are many different type not just three and you should be scanned the aura that is. Crystal children also have a bond with crystals and will know what they do and can heal with these. I know what I am and don't need anyone to tell me. The reason some list what they are is to help other like them or to help tell if others are. Empaths are those who have empathy for others and can take on peoples illness etc.’
My perspective: No human is 'special' and your comment illustrates how dishonest humans are - we accept and allow live in a world of abuse, torment, poverty, starvation, greed, rape and all you have to say is: 'Indigos are the colour of the aura and same applies to Rainbow and all special ones there are many different type not just three and you should be scanned the aura that is. Crystal children also have a bond with crystals and will know what they do and can heal with these...

Youtube comment: Energy will keep you alive:

My perspective: Interesting - we all die, so already there your theory is based on hope not actuality. So where do you go to after death? You assume that energy remains after death. If you use basic common sense you will notice that energy has a beginning and an end and requires your participation in something for it to run through you like waves - you'll notice within yourself you create this energy through participating in thoughts, feelings/emotions, pictures or fear.

Youtube Comment: I am doing this daily, charging my thoughts with ultra positivity for the earth, the future will be a positive one for humanity because we will make it so. we know this and are living it now.

My perspective:
So could we please start measuring how much ultra positivity you radiate and by how much rape, war, murder, abuse and greed reduces? Because for the amount of people who have been repeating this bulshit for the last 20 years - I would say that things should be getting better. Your positive thoughts are preventing you from ACTUALLY seeing what is existing and that things are not changing -question is are you willing to give up this illusion or are you only doing this to feel good?

Youtube comments saying we attack people through our comments – by trying to use guilt on them by saying that we are all responsible for the abuse that exists here.

My perspective: Who lives on this planet? You do. Your channel is all about you boosting and promoting your ego - you don’t actually present any practical solutions - I would start there when taking on dishonesty - because to say: 'guilt trip monologue' to others while you only talk ego - is hypocritical.

Desteni forum discussion: Compromise within agreements:

My perspective: Establish what it is that you agree upon, then agree what points will be worked on to assist each person with. Within that you communicate and express and sometimes 'problems; arise which might lead to an argument etc.
When this happens you communicate about the points and clarify how each person contributed to that point - and each being within themselves stops, takes self responsibility and self forgives.

Therefore there will be points within the agreement, I have found -where you have to walk through. The point of no compromise is when one or both beings are deliberately allowing old patterns to re-occur without change without self direction. The point of ‘no-compromise – it when the actual point of the agreement is compromised – which is to support each other while directing self in self honest self expression. Compromise in an agreement exists when one being is unwilling to change according to what is best for all – and then manipulates the other person or the agreement to change so that they may remain the same. If within that the being does face points of change – the agreement supports the being – even though difficult - because you understand that the point of the agreement is because each being will face certain points – things are not perfect – but a clear direction within the agreement is your guideline as to what you will accept and allow.

Youtube comment: if you think or feel you are the manifestation of dishonesty"!? What? So what is the point of us being here then? "Self-honesty cannot exist if the mind exists" You can't drop these in there without a useful explanation, LIFE is the tool for realising who you are.

My perspective: We have published many videos and documents explaining how our participation within pre-programmed thoughts, feelings and emotions has a direct outflow in how the world is created. Look at it for yourself - all world events and abuse - first exists within you as your secret little thoughts and desires and addictions and emotions and feelings. Self honest self expression does not require of me to exist as a emotion or feeling - I AM HERE

Youtube comment: I disagree. Tradition is necessary. I think people need to know where they come from, they need to connect with their roots. Sure, not all such connections end up bringing a sense of security or enlightenment, but the lack thereof would create an anarchy of societal thought, nothing could ever be done cus everyone is just agreeing to disagree. A certain amount of control is beneficial, it creates order.

My perspective: I am here already – you are already here - so any form of need - such as needing culture or religion is deliberate separation and dishonesty - done by beings who want to be special, want to be protected and want their special personality to be supported by like 'minded' people who will supports each other’s dishonesties - made up to support greed and self gratification. With an equal money system we can stop the methods through which people survive as imagination and hope.

Desteni forum discussion: Drugs assisted me in calming down and talking:

My perspective: I suggest bring that experience of clarity and calmness that the drugs assisted you with - into your expression one and equal - start noticing yourself as the breath in situations where you would find it difficult talking or just being with yourself. Then take directive principle - and where the drug would have 'taken you into the experience' - you now slow yourself down within breathing to stand AS that point - as self direction.

Youtube comment on: Religion and equal money:

My perspective: An equal money and equal labour system - will stop many forms of self-abuse and self trying to survive through - culture, religion, society, relationship... Many of these CONstrusts were designed because man fears death through fearing survival through lack of money. Thus give each equal money/equal labour and god won’t exist - god stands as the hope that everything will be 'ok'. Equal living will step forth when there is equal opportunity - therefore hope structures like religion will fall away.

Youtube comment: Why is Self honesty and self forgiveness linked?

My perspective: By being frankly honest about who you are, what you accept and allow, what you participate in, what you have become - then you self forgive these points of self programming to stand one and equal to what is best for all. Because in SF you don’t ‘delete’ the past - you take responsibility for what you have allowed and change yourself through breath. Physical pain and discomfort shows points of dishonesty – see structural resonance videos/documents on web site

By deliberately 'holding onto that which you will not forgive' is a direct statement of self-sabotage and justification - because what you are saying is that you might talk about not doing the same thing again but in the self abuse of not letting go and walking purified of the past - you are punishing self - and will time loop again into an event where you do something unforgivable again. Self responsibility indicates that you are self aware within your actions to not allow the past again, but also implies that you forgive yourself – otherwise it would not be ‘responsibility towards self.’ In self honesty – one realises the deception of not forgiving self. Not forgiving self is also a point of giving up –and allowing the past to repeat.

Youtube Comment: You Desteni people don’t allow discussions on your Youtube comments – you attack people that don’t agree with you.

My perspective: No what you will find is that we support practical common sense solutions that all are willing to live and walk as themselves - when people start bringing in beliefs, religion, ascension, self-interest, spirituality, god - as a means of deliberate abdication and justification to not taking self responsibility - we will point it out - and yes that is when people react - because they have defined themselves according to their beliefs - that we show does not support all.

Desteni Forum post: The secret mind

My perspective: In your post the experience that you are describing is that of you accessing your ‘Secret Mind.’ I make this post because I notice people asking the question often of ‘but what if there are thoughts deep inside me that will actually make my life more exiting/fulfilling?’ If you look at your words and questions with regards to ‘thoughts’ – you are looking for the beautiful, the metaphysical, the mystical – the possibility that some thoughts – hidden somewhere deep within us are actually worth while exploring.

These are the thoughts within the secret mind – which is actually what directs each person. For example: you might consciously have a thought that goes: ‘I want to be special’ – this thought is linked through the subconscious to the emotion and feelings you associate with: feeling special’- this links through to unconscious programming and physical programming that you act out physically – to on a daily basis attempt to experience yourself as ‘feeling special/more than/with purpose.’
Underneath all of this – we have the secret mind. These are the hidden thoughts that are usually accessed as ‘strange’ thoughts such as: I won’t mind having sex with 5 men or I wonder what it would be like to have sex with an animal or maybe one day I will pick up a gun and shoot my family. These are the thoughts that direct your conscious thoughts of for example ‘wanting to feel special.’ These thoughts are hidden because they act as a backdoor – access point. These are thoughts that are triggered I noticed mostly b y symbology, tonality, movements, Impulsing etc: all the deeper trigger points we are not aware of. For example the points within our world we won’t talk about and only suppress. I mean who wants to talk about ‘wondering what it would be like to have sex with an animal?’ Yet it is because we are not willing to look that deep within the secret mind – to have a better understanding of the more ‘superficial’ thoughts based in the conscious, subconscious or unconscious. Because we don’t go into the deeper symbolic programmed thoughts (secret thoughts) – due to our idea of right and wrong – we don’t ever actually unconditionally look at how our day to day thoughts are triggered on a deeper level.

So within your post I see the words and questions you are using to explore your secret mind’s desires. A yearning to find a deeper level to beingness within the functionality of thoughts. Thoughts in their nature are in separation to this physical reality – thus what we repeat at Desteni is that to exist in this world – according to what is best for all – we focus on directing ourselves here in practical common sense. Thus when existing pre-programmed thoughts come up –‘telling us to do something’ – we stop, look at where the thought comes from, why we participate, stop the value system we have created – within that thought – so that we are no longer directed by thoughts – to move us through and as Mind Control. So when one starts peeking into ‘the thoughts that might be beautiful, interesting, fulfilling’ – I suggest take a self honest look at remaining practical within that.

The secret mind thoughts will try to ‘secretly’ find ways for you to survive within your world.
This is why we suggest to people to focus on directing our thoughts that actually support us all here equally – so that eventually we stop having ‘thoughts’ as programmed symbolic responses – dependent on a system functioning – but instead all live as one – walk as one- talk as one. Then thoughts won’t have to ‘pop’ up in our minds telling us according to our systematic programming what to say – who to be.

Youtube comment: Hope and Belief:

My perspective: Hope implies that you are powerless because you sit and wait for something or someone else to sort out this mess. Believe is useless because it indicates that you have an idea in your mind that is not physically manifested in this world - and thus remains a belief. I suggest focus on what you are actually able to do to direct and find solutions in this world - which you live as yourself.

Desteni forum discussion: People don’t possess themselves – it’s demons that possess us and the portal gets possessed because she ‘channels’:

My perspective: The portal is a portal not a channel. Demons speak through her. I suggest read through the FAQ especially with regards to demons, the portal, self responsibility and blame.

quote:I don't believe we are the demon possessing ourselves

In your words what you are saying is that you will continue to not take full responsibility for the emotional energetics that you participate in - because you will always fall back on 'but maybe and entity or demon is doing this to me.' I have been demon possessed as well and upon looking back at the experience I realised that this energetic experience of a 'being leaving my body' which I have played with often can be simulated by the mind. Thus I suggest realise that when you experience an entity or demon taking you over - you are creating this experience through your mind. The point here is to not have to 'speculate' - do demons exist or don’t they - the point we suggest at Desteni is: when you start experiencing an entity or demon taking you over – stop and take self responsibility. Look at where you are allowing this.

People assume that demons are responsible for what they experience without ACTUALLY communicating with demons or actually having an effective reference point other than ‘it’s a feeling.’ So I would suggest realise that what you experience is mostly due to what you have read in books.

Quote: My understanding is that demons are the spirits of the nephilim, the hybrid offspring of angels and humans

This is an example of how you have adapted your experiences you accepted and allowed (as you mention in your first post) into hearsay, simply because you don’t stick to basic common sense, but you attach stories, theories and other people’s opinions to what you experienced. Now it brings you to a point of ‘elaborating’ on what demon possession is – instead of actually supporting beings in stopping possession – through stopping what they accept and allow within themselves.

People who speak about demon possession from a knowledge and information perspective do so to entertain themselves – this is indicated in how much fun people have in comparing possession stories and whether their theory about demons outweighs the next person’s. Nobody asks the question, why do demons exist? Why do I accept and allow possession rather than sharing practical solution that each person may utilize to stop themselves from becoming possessed?