Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Secret Mind, Atlanteans, Perfection and the Mother Contruct

My perspective on: The Secret Mind and dreams:

This is the Secret Mind - and the secret mind influences your conscious and subconscious thoughts - in how you will actually go out and participate with woman. So I suggest with the Secret Mind to do SF on these points because they are not just out there - happening in your dreams - but an actual part of your mind that runs in the back ground which contains the unspoken desires and hates and needs.
If left unchecked I found the Secret Mind will influence you and months down the line you meet a girl/guy and next thing you are suggesting rape games or mating games to her - without you even realizing what you are doing or where it is coming from. And because you were willing to suggest it to her - you see it as acceptable or normal - as a point of 'I directed this thought it is MY self expression' This is the Secret Mind directing you - because these are the points we are afraid of yet desire at the same time - because we are addicted to the rush, the abuse, the fear.
I suggest look inside yourself and look at the points where you are secretly addicted to fear, submission, domination, fantasies, role playing, love games, relationship constructs (you belong to me/I belong to you) etc - these will indicate to you where you have already accepted the Secret Mind by allowing certain aspects to already exist within your day to day life and how you communicate with people or how you would act in a relationship.

Youtube comment: Why exist in the physical, when who we are is ‘the soul.’

My perspective: The soul as you understand it - was a pre-programmed white light placement. I suggest read through our FAQ on the Desteni Forum. Right now we exist as the Mind consisting only as that which we have been pre-programmed as. Thus to amalgamate with Substance as all that is, we stop the Mind of programs and amalgamate ourselves here with the Physical Reality. So those who continue to exist in the Mind will not amalgamate with life as all that is.

Instead you will after death remain in your bubble of thoughts as your thoughts – see the physical is not thought or mind. Therefore after death we either remain here within the physical reality, as substance – or you remain in your Mind reality as your thoughts. The physical reality is already showing us what we have become one and equal to by allowing us to completely become the mind – this you can see happening in the world. This happens because nobody is willing to take responsibility for themselves, stop their self programming as that which we accept ourselves to be – our thoughts, feelings, emotions, fears, attachments, judgments, desires, wants, self interest. Once we amalgamate with life – we stand as Equality and Oneness – because by stopping the mind you realise yourself as one and equal to this physical reality.

Then you understand that self honesty brings you to a point of standing equal to what you allowed. This purification through self forgiveness allows us to see ourselves as Life. Life is not the Mind – and the physical reality is showing us the consequence of existing within the Mind. We all tacitly agree to exist here as the mind – thus we all agree to disregard what is real – which is the physical reality – I mean look at it – we have separated ourselves according to the ideas and values we created with our minds. In the physical reality nothing is more than or less than. Life does not regard anything more than or less than - so man has a long way to go before we grasp life. Until then we walk the consequence of our separation from what is real.

Youtube comment; We will solve the world problems with vibrations and energy.

My perspective: I suggest look at the experience of vibrations for yourself. You create it because you read or heard about it somewhere and how it makes the participant FEEL GOOD and decided you wanted to participate in energy and vibration. You are not Life yet because you are subject to having to create and participate vibrations and energy. None of us are life - because if we were - we would not be subject to some grand experience that makes us FEEL SPECIAL. I suggest develop some common sense. Instead of walking the road of Self Responsibility - you want to experience only what will give you that energetic rush of good feelings. The feelings that come from saying to people – look at me I have a certain vibration about me – and the other person goes wow – you’re so in tune with yourself – and they leave you alone. That is why higher consciousness and spirituality and light and love exists – so that NOBODY has to actually become self honest. I mean you immediately ASSUME that the world problems are due to a lack of Live vibrations – REALLY? When I look at the world problems I see it is a DIRECT OUTFLOW of what happens when the humans who exist here CONSUME and LIE and DECEIVE and exist in their MINDS where they create FEEL GOOD ENTITIES – that tell them how special they are – while the world reflects what we really accept and allow. You proclaim Love – yet you conveniently immediately say well all I have to do is focus on vibrating and my energy – while you continue to contribute to the world as it is because the current moneys system continues to cause people to and nature to suffer and die. Tell you what how about you stop the current moneys system – responsible for billions suffering with your vibrations? Are you ready to put your vibrations and energy to the test – by really self honestly looking at how you are going to practically change the world systems with vibrations and light?


Structural Resonance Alignment Session on: Perfection:

I was doing an SRA session with someone last night and we were working on the point of ‘Not wanting to communicate with other people. The first justification we noticed was ‘because they might control my freedom of movement or they don’t know enough to assist me. In this we looked deeper at the point and what opened up was:
The actual reason for not participating with people is not because ‘they are not good enough – but is the experience of yourself in your Secret Mind’ as the Opposite Polarity – which is not being able to keep up with what others are able to do. Thus: Feeling Left behind. Then the point was discussed where one feels left behind because you are deliberately holding yourself back. Why: because of seeking in all things the point of perfection – which again comes down to the Secret Mind experience of seeking perfection actually in Self – but projecting it outward as: I will only go into experiences where I see the outcome is what I see as my idea of ‘perfection.’

We then discuss the point of Personality traits of Aloofness that goes hand in hand with holding yourself back from expressing – which is basic accepted pre-programming. We looked at the point of Self Acceptance. Because in looking for points of achievement and perfection in others which reflects in how you actually don’t accept yourself – then the core point were working with is Self-Acceptance – so everything again always comes back to self – because even though a pre-programmed unconscious pattern is being experiences –the experience still participates in the pattern by not accepting Self – and thus the cycle of separation is maintained.
We discussed the point of letting go of points of perfection that are ideal states of self that will be experiences if something falls into place – or else the being does not move – does not express. With Muscle Communication we tested from a list of possible priority points that ‘Fear of Self-Expression’ was the Priority Point. We discussed the point of: is you stop giving your world values and accept everything as equal then you participate with all things as equal – and in this you stop the cycle of perfection and attainment. The point was understood. Next point that opened up was: If I walk in the garden and I am content with me, no needs, and no expectations – then I realise that I am walking as an Equal to all things because I am with everything as me and thus ‘content (no movement of separation).’ If I am in a group of people and experience no movement, no loss, no hope for an experience – then it means I am Here, because all things support me in that moment as my equal –I AM HERE. If I am sitting there hoping there will be an outcome according to an idea of perfection – then I am not HERE because I don’t realise myself as all that exists in that moment.

Self-Acceptance – if you are in any environment, any space, any situation, with any being – and you are quiet – it is because as you move yourself you are realising yourself within and as all things and people – you are not expecting or viewing them as less than or more than – because you are them. So when you stop craving an outcome I realised it is because you already stand Equal as yourself to the environment you are in – and thus all points is you – therefore how can you seek anything. This was a very interesting point. W discussed the point relevant to the point of ‘Fear of Self-Expression’ – but this is a basic summary of what we discussed.

Youtube Comment: i have "friends" and a "life" that i have to keep going until I’m at least an "adult"

My perspective: What you are saying is that you are postponing the inevitable point of facing Self. And in realising that Self-Honesty is here as who you are, you are making the statement that you will use excuses to not be self honest now - which means you will use the same justification later on - to not take self responsibility for who you are - because then it will be ‘but I have to get through work and my relationships.’

I suggest realise that in complaining that one has to use drugs to cope with being at school and with your friends, is you giving into the world as it is and coping - instead of realising that the world we complain about will not change if we don’t change. So by coping through using drugs you remain a contributing factor to the way the world is. You are as you are now, tacitly agreeing to the world remaining the same – because instead of applying yourself at school and around others – in self-honesty and self responsibility – you are ‘going with the flow’ as it has always been – and thus agreeing to everything that is here.
And the point I mentioned of facing self, is the realization 5 years down the line that you are still who you allowed yourself to be when you were 17 and nobody is going to support you, because you don’t support yourself.
I suggest look at the point of hopelessness: In each human is an inherent lack of self trust and self direction. Each has a point of ‘but somebody will change the world’ – this is the construct of hope – which keeps all locked into the same consciousness pattern. I suggest write about what it is that you see has to be done by each person to stop within ourselves the way the world is currently. From there you will see that because hope is a mind fuck and does not really exist other than a belief within one’s mind – therefore you are what is Real – you as the physical, walking, talking participating and when you realise you are here you start to realise your actions and words are molding the reality . So unless we stop – nothing changes.

Desteni forum question on: Money and working – how do I work in a form of self-expression, without participating in world greed?

My perspective: Interesting question. I would suggest investigate why you like trading. All work in some form or another is trading with a being’s life - but the question I would ask is what is it specifically about trading that interests you - because in your question you are addressing the starting points and within this you will see who you are within working - are you supporting yourself in this world - or are you getting a specific kick out of a specific type of work – to entertain you in your mind and in self interest? I would suggest look at the experience of yourself you are participating in - which you are specifically getting from participating in 'trade.'

So I suggest clear your starting point with regards to why you would rather specifically work in trade, than a job where you support yourself - because it is within what we give value to - to entertain ourselves - rather than practical support - that we are resonating and creating the world as it is.
Who are you as the symbol of yourself within what you do? If you look at the reason for doing something or the want of doing something - you will see what symbols you are responding to in your world and what symbol you have become and resonate as.

Desteni Forum discussion on: Mother Construct:

Yes I have been experiences similar points as well. I suggest realizing that once you give attention to a construct - that it starts forming and molding you further and further into a pre-programmed design. I suggest look at where you have tendencies to allow the construct that is pre-existent within you - to direct you in your daily life - notice how new patterns are emerging - some you might even recognize from what your own mother use to do, or your siblings are manifesting.
I forgive myself for accepting within me a mother construct which direct me in responding to people and situations pre-determined ways.
I forgive myself for desiring to be seen as strong and competent.
I forgive myself for wanting my opinions to be seen as valid in this world.
I forgive myself for wanting to project an idea that my opinions as ‘how my environment should be’ - as designed within the mother construct - is valid.
I forgive myself for fearing touch.
I forgive myself for judging my sexual expression as demonic possession (lol).
I forgive myself for perceiving my expressive nature during sex, as being strange – but I realise that this expression is possible due to the allowance of touch, letting go, skin on skin, and completely letting go into and as the physical. Therefore sex in itself is agreement between two beings (or however many) to completely let go and explore the physical.
I forgive myself for wanting others to support themselves, from a starting point of wanting them to appear strong and capable to ‘take care of themselves.’
I forgive myself for seeing intimacy between a man and woman as a weakness.
I forgive myself for perceiving cuddling and caressing as dependencies.
I forgive myself for interpreting cuddling and caressing as a weakness -because it is two people dependent on each other for attention, energy and reassurance.
I forgive myself for allowing the construct to ‘interpret’ certain moments and behaviors I observe in people as the following:
I forgive myself for allowing the pre-determined perception that Cuddling is a drawing on of the other person’s energy.
I forgive myself for allowing the pre-determined perception that Hugging is a moment in which two bodies embrace as if in need to place their bodies together in a meaningless gesture.
I forgive myself for allowing the pre-determined perception that kissing is vampirism in which two people are sucking the life out of each other.
I forgive myself for allowing the pre-determined perception that holding hands is like hugging - a pre-designed placement of body parts that actually has no relevancy other than an energetic charge through physical dependency.
I forgive myself for allowing the pre-determined perception that giggling together is a sound resonance participation in which two people are locking each other into a design of dependency and ‘like-mindedness.’
I forgive myself for allowing the pre-determined perception that sex is about two people getting a big rush out of experiencing sexual pleasure – which is done by all beings on this planet habitually -without anything else for us to actually enjoy or experience.
I forgive myself for allowing the pre-determined perception that my enjoyment of sex is habitual or systematic and that I am doing it because it is an accepted form of expression which I have come to justify as ‘what I really enjoy doing.’
I forgive myself for allowing the pre-determined perception that men and woman require specific needs within an agreement.
I forgive myself for allowing the pre-determined perception that touching is a moment in which I let go and become vulnerable and am thus in a position of allowing the other person to see me with my guard down (god down = the mind).
I forgive myself for allowing the pre-determined perception that I am to be strong and able and not experience myself as weak – in this I react when hugging people – because in this it reveals about me that I enjoy intimacy and am gentle.
I let go of the pre-determined mother construct and all its manifested points within me as emotion, feelings and ideas around: touch, sex, companionship, money, playfulness.
I let go off the reaction to being hugged.
I let go off the idea I have that sex is difficult.
I let go of the idea that sex is systematic, and allow myself to explore sexuality anew as an expression within the physical.
I forgive myself for reacting when somebody hugs me and for allowing the thought in that moment that we are hiding within each other by hugging and that it is clear for all to see.
I forgive myself for reacting when I smile intimately at another in front of people and for allowing the thought: they can see me as being gentle, what if they take advantage of this.
I let go of my defenses and allow myself to unconditionally allow myself to express me as I have always done and stopped doing because my relationships/agreements became complicated.
Lately I have been expressing myself more with regards to intimacy and within this have caught myself going into the thought – that ‘what if my expression is from a place of construct/system design and not who I am.’ Writing about this point assisted me to look back at the moment where I questioned my expression and to see that I have been questioning myself because in my last agreement, when I would express me, my partner would ask me: why are you doing that? This over time created conflict within me about my expression and I pulled back and became quite and responsive/expressive according to what I thought would please him. I realise now that the physical release and enjoyment and reactions to my expressions I have experienced In the last week – is due to me existing in a mother construct in which I question my own expression and hold back because I am waiting to be taken into a discussion on why I express myself.
I forgive myself for compromising on who I am as self-expression as life, as a child – because I wanted to save my relationship.

Desteni Forum discussion: How do we find the solutions?

I find that answers are HERE, as the practical common sense solutions for all Equally - otherwise how else could it be the answer if it does not stand equal and one to what is here? Anything else is a mind fuck.
I mean you could ask a question and a bird could chip but what did that actually mean? Did you abdicate directing yourself here within practicality - to an external confirmation before you direct yourself here according to what is best for all?
The purpose of this forum is for us all to share practical solutions. In this obviously we have to look into what is already here and what will have to change AS OURSELVES - for actual change to take place that will stand Equal to that which we have already designed - so that we change within the understanding of what we have allowed thus far. The solutions will step forth as ourselves, moving and directing and changing ourselves here in the physical: so in some ways change is simple - because in basic common sense you are able to see: if each person stops waiting for a god and takes responsibility for themselves - then already many of the self created delusions will stop. If we change the money system to an equality money system - many of the problems will stop. All of these examples 'seem; simple - yet we have to implement them as ourselves - because if we remain as the symbols of self interest and greed - that we have always existed as then nothing will change.
So I suggest communicate your insights on the forum and let us all develop our common sense and self honesty as what is best for all - together - it is new to all of us. We have always existed as programs, thus to now walk the change that is required, will take 'working together' - to assist each other in common sense and self honesty. If for example you ask a question and you have an insight – how do you know you are not interpreting what you experience according to your own conditioning and programming? Thus we share insights here until what emerges is actual solutions within the context of what is here.

Youtube question on: Have you Astral traveled:

My perspective: All information within the unified field has been and is uploaded through the unconscious mind - thus when a being 'Astral Travels' within the Mind - they are accessing downloaded information from within the unconscious mind. Ask yourself the question: if some of these beings who apparently are able to Astral travel and observe 'real events' - not actually seeing what is going on? They always present the experience within some spiritual or worldly context in which they observes that which they now are able to present according to what is already acceptable - the actuality of what exist is never experienced - or else the being would probably be shocked into actual participation in what is best for all. Astral travelers continue traveling in their world of selective information because it serves them in what they consider acceptable to know about this reality. The Astral traveler that tells you they see beings of purpose and light and events playing out within the context of some higher purpose/meaning - you know they have no real access other than what they have been designed to interpret.
Astral traveling is also a movement and placement of a being according to their time line, because in them roaming the unified field within their unconsciousness mind – they are being positioned into their next placement within their time line – so that they continue on their life path as pre-determined within the system. That is why you will find that people who Astral Travel will (as I discussed above) only experience specific points relevant to what will keep them within a specific progression of themselves, as what already exists here in this world.
Time lines and astral traveling:

So let’s look at the basic common sense behind real time experiences and astral traveling. A being would normally move through this reality and when they activate symbols within them according to their time line grids – they will then be directed into the next experience of themselves. Within Astral traveling you are being symbolically moved and activated in your mind while you travel the unified field map within your mind. Thus you are still being directed and placed according to your ‘life path’’ within the system – but this happening inside the mind of the astral traveler.

Desteni Forum question: Why should we do forgiveness and release ourselves from the
Mind, if who we really are is Atlanteans?

My perspective: I suggest watch the video done on Structural Resonance Alignment. It is our accepted design as Mind Consciousness Systems - through which we have become the resonance of ourselves. We all resonate as these Mind Programs and through resonating, we create this reality. We all exist as the resonances of our Minds and are unaware of the level at which we create reality. It is within the living symbolic resonances that we exist. Thus it seems as if we are merely people living on a planet -unaware of how the world is created but:

We exist as Mind Consciousness symbols, resonating and Impulsing as symbols and through that reality as symbols is created. We interpret reality according to our pre-programmed understanding of what is here and through that align ourselves as symbols one and equal to that which we interpret - forming new symbols, as ourselves which we then live out - similar to the basics of 'machine language.'
So I suggest let go of the idea that we are beyond what is here, because apparently once we were 'Atlantean.' It is through our resonant Impulsing that we exist and create the world - thus we suggest self forgiveness and self honesty to stop the symbols we create and accept within us.
I suggest watch the recent videos on Multi-Dimensional Resonance Symbols. Then watch the videos on Why Self Forgive and why self honesty.

Youtube Comment: Why do you guys at Desteni smoke, don’t you know smoking causes lung cancer?

Science versus common sense:

Investigations into Mind Consciousness Systems at Desteni has shown that cancer and illness are designed within Consciousness - so for example anxious and angry people -create disease resonantly within them - these might be the same people who smoke to ground themselves. If you do not see dimensionally or take into consideration that non-smokers can get cancer or illness -then I suggest to not proclaim your opinions copied from what science says - as common sense insight.

Taken from: http://desteni.co.za/forum/viewtopic.php?f=192&t=12143

The Spitefulness of God

In Accepting God - you’re accepting the World the way it is and the way it works.
In Accepting this World the way it is and the way it works – you’re Accepting God.

In Accepting the Evil Nature of Man as Sinner – you’re Implying that God deliberately Created the Evil Nature of Man.

To Imply that Choice is the Cause for the ‘Fall of Man’ i.e. the Choice between Good and Evil – Implies that God is limited to Man’s Choice and in fact – that Choice is More Powerful than God.

Which means – Man is More Powerful than God – because Man is apparently the One with Choice.

To claim that God is ‘all-knowing’ – would Imply that God already knew what each one Individually was going to Choose.
Which then Implies that God Lied when he gave Man ‘Free-Choice’ – because he already knew what each one is going to Choose.

And in this Implying – that he Created each Individual with a Pre-Ordained Choice = which isn’t Free and thus not Choice at all.

So in this all – there seems to be the Biggest Lie in Plain-Sight:
If God exist – this World is just a Big Computer-Game – Like 'Sims', and Nothing you Ever Do – is Real.
No-one actually ever Starve.
No Child actually ever get Abused.
No-one actually ever get killed in War – Because the way you live, whether Good or Evil = has no effect on what will Happen to you as you are just a Prop in ‘God’s Simulation’ and God is Playing a Game like a Naughty Evil Child.
Feeling Nothing for any Part of the Game – only Enjoying the Thrill, like in 'Carmageddon'.

If no God exist – You Actually have a Chance and You Actually have a Choice.

But you’ll Find:
If you ‘Believe in God’ or any other ‘Higher-Power’ – you Immediately have No Choice.

Even in the Accepting of this World and Nature as the way it is – You’re Accepting some form of ‘Higher-Power’ = and therein you are Immediately Limited in your Choice.

Desteni forum discussion on: Peace of Mind

My perspective: None of us effectively direct ourselves in this world, to stop our Mind and actually bring about practical solutions. Everybody calls themselves able to or willing to do what is best for all - and then talk about it on the forum, but don't actually apply themselves within basic common sense, self honesty, self forgiveness and self responsibility - let alone take that to the world in effective application - equal and one to the system that already exists.

That is why he says that people have the tendency to 'go into peace of mind' - because look at what happens - you feel you are entitled to peace of mind, just because you are able to say it. Peace of Mind only exists when ALL are FREE, all have food, all have Equal Opportunity. So why do you proclaim to have peace of mind?

Youtube question: Would self-forgiveness be necessary to apply when I were to feel enjoyment and happiness?

My perspective: Question: Are you enjoyment as an expression of yourself, not controlled and directed by external events and people - or is it subject to what you experience? That is separation through systematic dependency on external events that impulse you through programming - thus we suggest self forgiveness to stop our conditioned programming, until we are the directors of self here as what is best for all - within self honest self expression. Then self is authentic in expression.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Equality, Fears, Hearsay, Labour and Inner Peace

My perspective on Equality:

For equality to exist - we have to look at what we accept and allow to exist within ourselves and our world that allows for separation e.g.: religion, beliefs, opinions, self interest, consumerism. It is at this point of stopping all separation on an individual level that we will all find practical ways to live here equal...

Equal money for all http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tEpc8q7MX0

Dream about fire (taken from www.desteni.co.za/forum): My perspective: I suggest look at the point of survival. You are facing your own survival within the system from the perspective of either being consumed by the fire or getting out and the actuality of walking through those points - this places most people in 'survival mode' which takes them into fear of the future, fear of self, self doubt, hopelessness etc.
A suggestion here is to look at where you are facing decisions with regards to who you are, what you participate in and what you allow within your world. Facing these points and walking them in self direction will assist in clearing the points of survival.

My perspective on: Hearsay and demons:

Hearsay is when you listen to what other people say about something and then without actually looking at the point for yourself until you are able to present the I-witness account - you go and present what you heard as if that is what happened. So with regards to demons- people have many beliefs and ideas about demons and present their beliefs as if it is fact - yet nobody has actually communicated with demons or developed any method of studying demons that is an actual representation of common sense points that support our development of understanding what is here. Each person views this world through their belief system instead of seeing what is here.

You don’t have to see dimensionally to start looking at the point of demons. Demon possession has existed in various forms for a long time. This has been documented and researched. However beyond that nobody uses basic common sense - in asking where is god, why do demons exist, why do we become possessed - this is dishonest as it indicates that we will allow such beings to exist for our own belief systems - that a god exists and we must fear god or we become possessed by demons. Basic common sense -humans have allowed the existence of demons be it as a metaphorical fear or realising the actuality of their existence – for one reason – to further allow for fear of self responsibility.

Even then - to present a case of demon possession as I-witness will still be subject to who you were when the possession occurred - because each person experience possession differently. For me it was a game that I was playing deliberately so that I did not have to face myself. For others it was their fear of god that allowed the possession. Some possess themselves through their minds because they seek attention. Thus even when presenting an I witness account of a possession – one should take a look at what you believe about what you experienced so that you can present the actuality of your experience within what happened.

My perspective on: Equal money equal labour:

Yes each city will design/have an infrastructure run by all people participating EQUALLY in the developing and maintenance of resources - because food is not going to grow itself and machines cannot do everything. So from cleaning toilets to birthing babies - labour will become about allocating individuals into roles necessary for the effective running of the city.

The one point humans will have to transcend is the ego (amongst other things) - because doctors will complain about receiving Equal rights to the guy who cleans. Each human will have to Sacrifice something to be able to - exist in a world of Equality. Thus to become a doctor where you study for 6-10 years will be a life decision within doing what is best to support all as yourself – because you realise that value of what you do and how it supports all. The person who decides to take on the role of cleaner – does so because of the realization that this point requires to be done. If labour is also distributed Equally then less time will be spent on doing the work for each human. If machines exist then the labour part for the human will be specific to that which a machine cannot do.

Hand in hand to this will of course go: Self-Honesty. We will have to purify ourselves to stop the way we exist which is based in Self-Interest otherwise -consumerism will still direct the way we live. So each human will face many years and life times of purification either HERE or in the Afterlife – so that we exist here in Oneness and Equality – not Me in Self-Interest. I suggest we start picking this new money system apart to see how such an Infrastructure will work. What points will be accepted and allowed within our expression here e.g.: will we still have televisions?
Youtube comment: that us saying 2012 is deception – is just our belief

My perspective: What we are suggesting is take responsibility for what you have created here - because to exist in your new age bubble is dishonest - while leaving the consequences of what you have created - for someone else to sort out. That is not a belief system - that is the Actuality of what exists. Common sense: stop self deception, stop hiding, stop projecting. You are here within the physical on this planet. Start taking responsibility for yourself here without hiding behind beliefs.

My perspective on: 2012: We were Lied to.

That is what happens when we deliberately from childhood allow ourselves to be told by our parents and school and church that there is a big ghost in the sky that will take care of us. Then we grow up and start seeing for ourselves that we are here and responsible for our actions, words, allowances - because what exist within us is manifesting in the world. But instead of developing Self-Honesty and Common Sense -we Deliberately continue with the lie - because it is easier than SELF RESPONSIBILITY.

My perspective on ‘True Consciousness’ (youtube comment)

True Consciousness is you within your personality Design - Justifying your survival - instead of realising that Consciousness is a Pre-Programmed Design we all accepted and allowed to tell us who we are as Programs that cease to exist at Death. To stand up for Life is to question who you are and what you participate in as YOUR Beliefs, Opinions - they Support you as a Mind Consciousness system - which is what all humans are doing in Self-Interest - I suggest a self honest look at justification.

Some say the world will end some say we will ascend to higher consciousness:
If I make up a story that the End of the world is coming - it is either because I am bored and addicted to the energy I get from spreading stories and conspiracy theories. If I participate in stories that ‘we will all ascend to higher consciousness’ It will be because I have not taken responsibility for myself and what I have accepted and allowed in this world, and now I want to run and hide in the mind reality called Ascension – that allows me to be excused from actually practical change.

Youtube comment: Lets SK8 away from earth:

My perspective: If you Sk8 away from what you have created here and you continue to participate in your mind bubble in which you live in fantasies called religion, desire, enlightenment - then when you die you become your mind completely and you because the consequence of religion, desire, enlightenment - as it REALLY exist here - to walk through what you allowed - so in afterlife consequences are experienced as actual REAL experiences.

These Consequences in the Afterlife will place you within a physical body Here, that is experiencing that which you Allowed and Accepted And participated in – meaning you will be placed inside a being that is tortured, raped, killed, abused, depressed, starving – so you may walk through the OUTFLOWS and CONSEQUENCES of what happens if we all sit and wait for god to save us, or allow deception, self-interest, lust, enlightened mind realities etc….

Youtube comment: 'fucking weirdo’s and Satanists probably'

My perspective: This illustrates that your comment is based on your own mind illusions in which you use words you think will impress us and present them according to your fears and opinions. You show that all you are doing is ranting your mouth of because you have said nothing that could possibly be taken in actual consideration. You want to be noticed, and are taking on a topic you have not properly researched or considered – but instead repeating what others have ranted in their deliberate ignorance and spitefulness.

Yes Beliefs are opinions that exists in the Mind of the Believer - a belief is not a physically manifested practical point - or else it would not be a belief. Common sense: one is able to see that to believe is dishonesty - you are allowing opinions within which you participate that are not physically supportive of all here. Belief exists because it allows you to access thoughts and hopes around your self-gratification. Believers - do not consider what is best for all.

Youtube question: We will continue after 2012:

My perspective: Yes what will exist beyond 2012: we will all continue with our current dishonesty and we will compound what we allow because humans will always seek more and more gratification - and as we are seeing now - the system is collapsing because it cannot support all our dishonesty. Only then once all collapses and we face destruction and families lose everything due to crime, war, disease, hatred, depression – will man finally consider actual solutions and look at the human psyche to find out who we are within the problem.

Youtube comment: That’s too bad..... I was looking forward to the end!

Hah, people in general believe what other people say tooooo much in these times.
If this subject interests you.... DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.

My perspective: That is the point of the Video: Stop following Beliefs and actually develop Common sense that supports all Life, establish who you are in Self-Honesty, Self Forgiveness and direct yourself here in Self responsibility - then all deception will stop and we will all live Equally according to what is Best for All. The physical is the one point we all exist as – so let us work as the physical to live here, drop all the mind crap that separates us.

Youtube comment on: Unsubscribing from our videos because we don’t support ‘Light and Love’

My perspective: Wow - so what you are saying is that you do not apply common sense to find out what is best for all because the Light makes you feel so good about yourself. Unsubscribing would imply that you are going to go back to your bubble of light while leaving the world to suffer while you sit in your house that you paid for because you have money and support. The light is a drug which makes you believe you are better than everybody else just because you can read.

Youtube question about Indigo’s

My perspective: There is more information on the Desteni web site on 'The Design of Indigo's' I suggest look at the common sense that is being presented. The world has been designed to exist as separation so that we may all continue supporting the Current world System, designed around the Currency of Self-Value - which we Support as the Currency of Money. Thus designs within Mind Conscious such as Indigo is another form of separation just like religion, culture, society, personality – which each fight to defend while millions suffer on this planet. We suggest we all stop fighting for our separation as self interest and find ways to co-exists EQUAL and ONE within what is real – the physical.

As soon as you go into your mind and a thought comes up: but this makes me special: I suggest stop and look at how you are directing yourself only within self gratification: An addiction to the energy of being Indigo. Each of us have a point of energy we are addicted to that we will justify as: who we are and will defend that point regardless of how we create the world to serve our self interest.

Youtube Discussion on Equal Money

My perspective: Have you actually taken a good self honest look at how god exists in this world as Money. Look at it - everything you do and ever have done is to gratify your own needs and to survive in this world. Look at your own comment: you want us to see how in tune you are with some higher understanding - the energy from us paying attention to your comment will give you a feeling of Self-Value.. This Self Value people try and obtain through money or Ego. Have enough money? Then you won’t be on Youtube looking for energy.

Youtube comment: ‘NOTHING 2 do with The INNER PEACE...that I'm talking about...But ...nice try anyway...u made me laugh’

My perspective: This statement shows your energy addiction. You see that experience that comes up in you like an entity boiling up saying: tell them how at peace we are!! That is energy possession.

Forum Self Forgiveness on I have more experience than you:

I forgive myself for allowing separation due to terminology as knowledge - which gives me the perception that I know more than other people.
I forgive myself for allowing myself to want to be god and in this adopting many words and ways of communicating - which impress people - because together we have given value to words and their definition as being important or special.
I forgive myself for wanting to place myself within this world as god-consciousness - by adopting and remembering big words which will cause people to shudder in their boots like: Self-Forgiveness, Self-Honesty, Oneness and Equality etc.
I forgive myself for believing that Self Honesty as words is how one builds up experience - instead of realising that actual living change is how one experiences self as life.
I forgive myself for placing value into one experience or expression – due to my own belief structure around good/bad, right/wrong, valid/in-valid – instead of taking all experiences and learning from them equally.
I know more than you:
I forgive myself for believing that what I do is more important than what other people do and thus I design the concept of Clever people versus not so clever.
I forgive myself for designing the idea of mental abilities – this again separates us into the Mind – instead of us finding physically practical ways to live here – instead of depending on intellect to form groups and people within groups to support each other.
I forgive myself for labeling my own words and actions as clever and in this establishing within my world and myself a need for accomplishment – instead of being here in the physical.
I forgive myself for allowing thoughts – that some people are not so clever – if they don’t speak like me or speak my own language or understand something I understand.
I forgive myself for not unconditionally listening to people and allow them to complete their sentence – before attaching value to what they have said: as clever, smart, able, intellectual.
I forgive myself for pressuring myself into performing and being able and clever.

Youtube video on taking responsibility.

My perspective: What we need to realise is to stop blaming governments and religions - unless we actually look at how we place these institutions in power. When did we separate ourselves into seeing a higher power will save us from what we accept and allow? When did we create spirituality and the soul - was it to try and create an acceptable experience here - through creating energetic feelings we get from being 'spiritual?' Religion and politics are points where we have not directed ourselves in common sense.

Youtube comment: Energy is matter

My perspective: If we are substance which is all that exists - then why would we be limited to energy which has a beginning and an end? Even at death you as your mind that generated energy for you through the addiction to spirituality -dies - and thus you return to source. In the afterlife you do not exist as energy – here within the physical you exist as energy because you have accepted that you are your mind as polarity. So here we experience ourselves as energy – and then conclude and assume we remain energy after death – who has been to the afterlife to test this?

Youtube comment: God is dead:

My perspective: God exists as the thoughts of man - because it is our thoughts that create reality because we allow our thoughts to direct us without actually looking at what we are doing. Thus god will only be dead when all take responsibility for ourselves as the thoughts, feelings, emotions, fears, beliefs, opinions, judgments’ that we allow to direct us.

Youtube comment: I believe in Wicca and the Great ones:

My perspective: The Great Ones were masters created by the White Light - to keep you enslaved to religion. We have found through our investigations into the dimensional existence that all masters, guides, angels were told what to say and how to keep you on your pre-programmed life path - so that while you think you are serving some ethereal mystery - what you are actually doing is remaining in your Wicca bubble - just like people from all religions and beliefs - ignorant of what is really going on here - and unable to stand up for Equal Life – because in being a wiccan with apparent access to these invisible beings (you only experience as feelings and energetics) – you are ‘special’ in this world. Nobody is developing common sense – that the great ones and masters and jesus are not here taking responsibility for us. In fact I suggest look at your reference point of experiences you have during wicca – all self manifested experiences based on energy and feelings that come up inside you. The White Light programmed specific events in your life – that would convince you that the great ones are speaking to you and protecting you. Then you never actually take on the white light about why suffering and abuse is allowed and you will justify why nothing changes because you are addicted to how you experience yourself and the Value you have given yourself as a wiccan. This is dishonesty – because belief is designed around each person’s self interest – not what is actually best for all. If you did what was best for all you would find practical common sense solutions that will serve all Equally – not only you in a bubble of magic, energy, and feelings of power.

Youtube comment: I have felt demons strangling me with anger.

My perspective: The demons were released and assisted within the dimensional existence more than three years ago - the experiences you have now - are your own Mind as demon forcing you to a point of being possessed by your own fears, anxieties, angers. The Mind now stands as demon and will possess within their dishonesties. I suggest look at the anger towards self that the 'demon' was showing you. Demons have always shown us who we are - as dimensional and mind demons - time to become self honest!

Youtube comment: You deserve agony for comparing Scientology with reality. It is a false religion which is designed just like the Masonic hierarchy - the people at the top have all the money & power/knowledge & the people at the bottom have disinformation about the top & less money. If any of you excuses/humans want the real truth then google "Code To The Matrix pdf download" for a very highly detailed codex about actual history, documentation on inter dimensional life, the Serpents, the others & much more.

My perspective: We never said we were into scientology - so firstly your comment starts off within your assumption and lies that you have made up to suit what you are trying to do in these comments. You don’t take the video into consideration and how this information supports us to become self honest about what we have allowed - you want your opinions and beliefs to be justified - because it makes you feel special. 'You deserve agony' - this shows you who you are and how you actually experience you.

Youtube comment: want find the real answers - go study Scientology.

My perspective: That is merely your opinion. If self is Here as the cause of what exists - then we suggest we all become Self-Honest to stop what we allow, Self Forgiving to stop the cycles of what we allow, Self-Directive to stand as directive principle of what we allow and develop common sense to see what is best for all - SEE NO BELIEFS OR THEORIES REQUIRED. No Separation required where you go into a belief or mind set to try and survive. Direct self here as the physical as breath - That is Real.

Youtube Comment: DesteniProductions worships Satan and is a New Age Movement.

My perspective: ASSUMPTION: You have never met satan so you would not know if he had an agenda, You have never properly investigated new age movements so you are merely repeating what you've heard other people say. You have not actually investigated what DesteniProductions are saying - thus you immediately jump to conclusions based on your ignorance and fear - I suggest before commenting take out all the satanic new age crap you read about - and develop some common sense skills to actually discuss the topic.

Youtube comment on OBE’s:

My perspective: We have found in our investigations into the afterlife and interviews with dimensional beings - that Astral traveling and Out of Body Experiences are travels into the realms of the Mind.. That is why you will always experience the same light and points related to your own past, deceased loved ones, desired travels and points you have not dealt with - this is not actually the afterlife - otherwise you would have seen what really exists as the 'design' of the white light.

For example looking back at the out of body experiences I used to have: they were about me seeing a deceased family member who I found it difficult letting go off. The near Death Experiences are points facing physical pain or trauma where the Mind Takes you into a dimension of itself – where you go to – where you experience life changing experiences – these experiences are not real – they are mystical or metaphysical in nature and generally leave the person feeling closer to some personal or spiritual purpose. The experience leaves the person confused about what has been or where to go to from here because it deliberately distances you from what really exist in this world – and you start looking at the deeper meaning to life. There is no deeper meaning, the mind takes you into the point of deeper consciousness as a means of locking you further into the current world system design based on Consciousness. This is how your Mind Consciousness System is re-uploaded with new information as to how you will live out your pre-programmed design.

Youtube Comment: Ai jai jai, it is such a pity too see people falling over their own feet. Portals have been open for many, many years. Maybe you guys should do a bit more research before you are all led into the palm of satan. Satan can disguise himself very well and this is just proof of that. Well one thing is certain. No amount of darkness can hide a single spark of light ! And please don’t believe everything you "see or channel". It is very clear that you are all very young souls, please do some research!!!!

My perspective: You see now this point fascinates me - you start out your comment as if You are an authority on investigating things for yourself - and then immediately show that you use the biggest ASSumption of them all - to support your OPINION - - SATAN. Have you actually met Satan or are you merely repeating what you've read in books??? So now that we understand your starting point of deliberate deception let's move on: If you have studied the research on DesteniProductions you will find...
That the research into the afterlife, Channels and Portals has shown that no actual Dimensional Access was ever allowed - because beings had to be directed according to their pre-programmed lives - and thus no being was ever actually allowed out of their body - all OBE's were beings going into their Minds. How do you know that your 'Portals' (Channels) have never left their bodies to investigate the actuality of the dimensions - look at your words:

your reference points are: Soul, Spark of Light, Satan - this indicates that your channels were fed information through the white light placements - to only repeat information about the light, love and self consumed spirituality. Channels were told what to say and were never shown how the dimensions or this physical really works. This is how you take a self honest look at the information you have been given - and what is REALLY going on in the world.

What exists in the world was directed by the White light and managed by those dear masters and guides you love so much. The Dimensions were the management section of your pre-programmed life here - that is why heaven never stopped abuse and suffering - heaven as the masters and ascended beings controlled the pre-programmed lives of beings here to further exists within Mind consciousness - to support heaven as 'Energy'

Youtube comment: We are Energy.

My perspective: Currently we exist as Energy which is a limited system that has a beginning and end and requires our participation through polarity - this you have indicated in your own comment - by mentioning the high and low experience as an example - without ACTUALLY considering the consequence and implication of what you are saying. Consider this: why would ‘who we are’ be limited to an energy system that is bound to how we create energy through our minds? The Mind dies at death and the research you have looked into is not able to see what happens after death. So you are ASSuming that because you are an energy system now – that this is who we are after death. Common sense: how can we be a limited system – as who we are? And according to your research: When who we are is not understood beyond death? Surely who we are is not an energy system dependent on the energetic addictions we rely on as the Mind, supported within this world as CONsciousness? I mean Life is not energy surely because then life would require a battery and then it would not be life it would be energy. Substance as who we are as all that exists, surely cannot be limited down to a singular limited polarity expression as Energy? That would mean that people who don’t require energy as the Mind, who remain stable as the Breath – who are Authorities within stability here as Breath as consistency – over rule Life? Common Sense tells us that a point exists where energy is not required, because whop we are as substance is constant.

Youtube comment: Drugs assist with Esoteric experiences:

My perspective: Esoteric is an experience created by people within Mind Consciousness programming and dimensions - thus when you use drugs it allows you to go into your Mind and experiences the dimensions of the Mind - be self honest - where are all your Esoteric Experiences: In this physical reality with actual physical measurements? No - they all happen in the Mind - with the observer as director of their own experience – through Self-Interest.

Youtube comment: I don’t like your video because of…

My perspective Boy oh boy how the Mind has the tendency of diverting attention away from the actual point - to complete useless crap. I suggest look at how your mind wandered off and found excuses to 'not like the video' -see you have been conditioned BY YOURSELF to accept certain things as Valid - based on who you believe yourself to be within the world. Common sense requires of us to stop SELF gratification when we consider a point.

Desteni Forum discussion on: Patterns as Energy Surges.

My perspective: Patterns show themselves in various ways - the way we think, eat, feel, move, walk, talk, sleep - all points that make up who we are in every moment CONtribute to us as Patterns. Thus for each it might be slightly different but essentially we all exist as the same patterns. Energy for example is one pattern all humans participate in - in some way or another.

So the Question you could ask yourself is when did this experience start?
Why did you create it - meaning what was happening within you at that point - for you to allow the experience.

Do you see the point of standing one and equal as yourself - HERE - which means energy is not who we are - because we are here already? Thus energy movements are merely patterns we have already created within the past. It might have at some point contributed to you feeling a surge which assisted you in a moment in feeling good or it might have come from fear or pain - in which the surge of energy provided you with a sense of enlightenment or relief.

I suggest find the point where you created it and then stand Equal to the point of yourself within stability - to do this I suggest Self Forgiveness on the points through which the patterns was created e.g.: the fear or the need for upliftment - until you remove the point with SF until you Remain here constant.

Desteni Forum question: Do we think astrology is relevant now?

My perspective: Here is a link to an article written by Alice A. Bailey on The Astrology of Heaven in the times of Revelation

From the Article you will notice that astrology was a chart to show how one’s life fit into and plays a role within the greater unified field design. I suggest watch the videos on Mind Consciousness and the Unified Field. Also take a look through our FAQ on this topic.

Now the gridline placements for each being within our pre-programmed design was removed from within each person. The gridlines within earth according to which each being experiences their lives and moved within this world – was removed. All pre-programmed designs such as blueprints were removed. Now what is left is how we have all already accepted ourselves to be The Mind – because we have already conditioned ourselves to live as Patterns. So what you will find now is that people are not directed through pre-programming any longer. This will obviously have an impact on points such as Astrology because now you won’t have the usual reference points to work with within the Unified Field and the Gridline structures. Each being although still acting out conditioned Patterns will start acting according to two points (I am using basic common sense to write about this) – either beings will allow themselves to become more consumed by their nature –which means humans will become more corrupt, more self centered – remember this is the nature of man – and what we accept and allow within ourselves has a consequence – of which the consequence is we become what we accept – Oneness and Equality.
The next point is people who start applying themselves according to what is best for all – and in this realising that we are to stop our accepted self conditioning to stand one and equal to life.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Kinesiology, Structural Resonance Alignment, Equal Money System, Asthma, DNA and obeying god

Perspective on Kinesiology being used to establish Oneness and Equality (taken from forum: www.desteni.co.za):

Your examples of various self tests are cool, however I would like to add my perspective:

You say you are using the Muscle testing to: ‘Here, I am working from commonsense, also opening my view of what is possible as I stand from oneness and equality as life’

As we have expressed Kinesiology was a course design that focuses on making the person more adaptable to work within the system. I suggest look at it for yourself, how are you planning on using the standard ‘Kinesiology’ procedures to support yourself in common sense and to establish yourself (or anybody else) equal and one to substance – when Kinesiology works to make the person balanced within system designs?

The point I (as 'Kinesiologist') had to look at in common sense is, I am not able to continue with Kinesiology because I know when working with somebody I am applying methods designed to support the being as a system. At that point we looked at designing the SRA, which directly works with our structural resonance, which is the resonance of our self as THE DESIGNED MIND CONSCIOUSNESS PROGRAMS. We will be using muscle communication (which is not Kinesiology) to communicate with ourselves as substance to establish what our structural resonance is telling us about ourselves as mind consciousness programs. From there we work with aligning ourselves to substance, no other systems, structures, or beliefs about ourselves such as that we are polarity or energy or balanced emotions. All of these points as I have realised when I looked in common sense are what the Mind Consciousness systems exists of and as – thus there is no ‘Oneness and Equality’ as ALL LIFE within working with a modality that supports systems.

I have found Kinesiology cool to realise where I am actually one and equal to these mind systems – so we have played around with Kinesiology to allow ourselves to see where we are still programmed and responding/changing to fit into the system. We realised for us to truly walk one and equal with substance, which is who we are and always have been, we have to take a big step forward and say: ok, there is no current course that works with actual substance, but instead all modalities are based in aligning you to some system design. I suggest look at this for yourself.

As an example of how easy it is to program ourselves, I will use the example of the words you used in your video: ‘I want to express self by, getting money from doing Kinesiology and assisting others.’ In this statement you have actually programmed yourself to survive for money and calling that self, and saying you will serve the system as your complete expression – all through Kinesiology. And with Kinesiology being a method that aligns one to the mind systems, you are actually speeding up your own integration into survival to make money by using Kinesiology. That is how easy we program ourselves – actually. We don’t see or realise this because we want to find a way to make money and assist others – but through the base programming of how the system is designed – we don’t realise what we are actually aligning ourselves and others to.

When I realised how Kinesiology and all other modalities worked, I also reacted, because I had taken ‘pride’ in Kinesiology. When I studied it, it was because at that time I saw its value – in ‘balancing the whole person, not just parts of ourselves. Then I realised that what we were balancing was ourselves within the Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Energy of the Mind. In all of these modalities, each of these aspects of self are seen as separate bodies that require management. I then realised that in balancing all these aspects of self, we were remaining separated into Mind, emotion, physical, energy and that unless we stop these separation points and bring everything back to one point – then what is the point?

So I realised that each point within Kinesiology was to maintain a system within a separate aspect of self – and because everything is based in energy systems, chakras, polarities, beliefs, values, purpose etc – I realised that we are indeed going around in circles even with Kinesiology. It is useful though to get information about the conditioned programming of self. So I will for example when working with somebody now, have the muscle test out a specific Kinesiology module pointing towards accepted conditioned programming. The solution and self correction however is to bring in basic common sense, practicality, self forgiveness (to stop all system designs) and deleting belief systems that brought us to that specific point.

I forgive myself for reacting when I was told and I saw for myself that Kinesiology is based in aligning ourselves to the system, so we may better function within the current system.

I forgive myself for feeling helpless – because I realise that for us to let go of our conditioned programming, we have to let go of everything we have ever accepted and allowed, such as the therapies we use and the systems we rely on.

I forgive myself for allowing myself to go into anxiety and self doubt when working with the SRA, because it is very exciting to redesign something that will support us as who we are as substance, yet because I have never worked with re-designing anything, I experience and allow anticipation/anxiety.

I forgive myself for allowing anxiety, as a means of not trusting self because I have an idea that other people must show us how to be effective – when everything is here as me, as self direction as the solutions – self doubt is not valid – as I am responsible but at the same time I am here as the solutions.


I forgive myself for fearing entering the unknown with regards to my own future and the future of what we will all become.

I forgive myself for disregarding myself, believing that I am not clear on which direction to take with regards to SRA, and in this fearing myself as walking one and equal with the SRA.

I forgive myself for fearing letting go of Kinesiology. Kinesiology made me feel purposeful, special, knowing.

I forgive myself for fearing letting go of the systems and structures I have relied on and walking into the unknown as myself.

I forgive myself for believing that Kinesiology really works with each person according to what is best for all, and not seeing that it has never actually stopped anything within anybody, that will align us to substance

I forgive myself for desiring knowledge as a platform of self acceptance, self movement – playing it safe within the system by wanting to work with world systems.

I forgive myself for fearing death and illness, because my starting point of studying Kinesiology was to run away from depression and wanting to hide behind a profession that would or could ‘make my problems go away’

I forgive myself for studying Kinesiology because I wanted to find solutions to who I was and how I was experiencing me, instead of seeing that I was self abusive, the cause as me, the answer was me.

Within SRA development what I have realised is that we are the cause and of course the answer to what we allow – thus within SRA we communicate directly to substance about our resonance as that which we have designed ourselves as. SRA cuts through to the core of who we are, without aligning us to the current system. It will support each in realising ourselves – and realise who we are as substance, but also realise that who we have accepted ourselves as now – is the Mind.

Substance as who we are does not have to give us the answers, it does not have to ‘try and reach out to save us’ because it is not dependent on us getting it. We however as the limitation of ourselves through accepting ourselves as our minds are able to realise ourselves as substance – but this is to be done through self honest self realisation – because: Substance is not our perceptions and beliefs of ourselves, as reflected in even Kinesiology. So depending on the affectivity of the questions asked, substance will give us the answer to what we accept and allow ourselves to be. It is within our starting point of who we are to become as one and equal to life as substance – that will determine the question we ask. Because if our questions are to support an idea of ourselves, then substance will show us that, by telling us what we want to hear and allow us to see for ourselves, that in asking our question, we were already again trying to design ourselves according to an idea of ourselves, based on our survival within the system.

Everything we do currently is based on our survival within the system, so every modality will take us to a point of attempting to align ourselves best to ourselves as a functional aspect of the system. It might not seem that way, but I suggest we not disregard the many facts the system consists of. Even Kinesiology, which might appear to ‘separate you from the big bad system’ is actually making you align you to a belief of yourself that is: one and equal and able to and capable of all kinds of wonderful things – which is the enlightenment mind fuck. How are we able to align ourselves to becoming one and equal to everything, if what actually exists here is the MIND as manifested in this world. That is why we say oneness and equality does not yet exist, and all attempts by enlightenment people to do this is them saying: I want to align myself to a picture presentation of myself that is based on good feelings and I will become this enlightened self, while all we actually do is cope with what is here. That is all that each one is actually trying to do – look at it for yourself:

The current money system does not allow us all to live and exist here equally. The money system has brought each human to a point of survival and this is where each one switches off, when we explain and share that who we are attempting to become is a enlightened management system. To be the best picture presentation of ourselves while we are actually trying to survive.


I forgive myself for accepting and allowing survival to be linked to a skill which I will develop if it is based in making me money

I forgive myself for wanting to assist people, before realising how I have actually wound me up in a survival system in which I will play a role in enslavement and still call it expression.

I forgive myself for reacting when I realised Kinesiology just like everything else in this world is a means for us to better cope with ourselves in the system – and is not the actual solution to us stopping the way we exist as systems.

I forgive myself for allowing a belief that the person who I am in an agreement with must ‘respect’ me, as a place in which he holds some idea of me that will make him want to treat me equally to other people he respects - This is a form of Love

I forgive myself for desiring the experience of love in which an agreement just works, without issues, without having to walk through points that cause reactions, doubt, ego injuries, embarrassment, anger.

I forgive myself for only wanting to experience the fun stuff in an agreement, without realising that to bring all points to an equal and one expression, we have to face the allowances we have already created within our lives – when previously – we desired to only have nice times.

Self forgiveness: alcohol to relax:

I forgive myself for believing that alcohol is the accepted method through which we are all able to relax, which means I give justification to the idea that who I am now must be anxious, not relaxed, uptight, which is me in my mind ready to ‘survive’


Youtube Comment on we should use Prayer to stop illness:

My perspective: Well then let us measure your prayer as a practical solution to support all people with. You've told us that prayer has the ability to stop asthma and yet you're grandfather and sister still has it. Would this not be a place to start at least? Then you must be able to effectively show that prayer defuses the CAUSE of asthma and does not cause suppression which causes it to manifest in another.


Forum discussions on: Money and practicality:

My perspective: Not using money to give yourself value

Not using money to buys alcohol/drugs - that supports you as a system

Enjoying money, but being aware of addictions, needs, wants that direct you to try and make more - so you can have more

Considering that all actions in this world have a reaction – thus what we spend our money on, will have an outflow –so the type of things we buy or don’t buy – will have e an impact down the road.

Stand equal to your money, meaning to work with SF with regards to fear of not having enough – otherwise that which we fear –we manifest in this world as a lack of money.

To not let money become all that is in your existence – meaning that if you want to buy something for yourself you do so, taking into consideration – you’re bills etc – but not letting money become this big evil you have to tip toe around – I know people, as I have experienced myself who literally take hours to debate as to whether they can buy themselves a ‘treat’

Not using money to manipulate, compare, control – especially our children.


Youtube comment on do we feel happy making Desteni videos which upset people?

It's not about being 'happy' - that is not what our message is about - we present solutions to the design of man: self-honesty, self-forgiveness, self corrective action - plus we suggest for people to stop hiding behind beliefs and opinions and actually start developing common sense so we may find solutions to what we have created.

Happiness is a state in which people go into to cope with what is here and to not take self-responsibility.


Youtube comment about why we don’t obey god

My perspective: Obeying god is a deliberate delusional statement, have you met a god that asks of you to obey him? If so then your god is evil, because I would not obey anybody that leaves mankind here to take care of ourselves with no effective assistance -but expects me to obey. Have you ever questioned why you deliberately believe that you must obey instead of stand one and equal to stop the abuse we all allow?


Youtube comment on: Repeating knowledge from books:

My perspective: your comments are merely based in what you've read in books and copied from other people (hearsay) - no liveable practicality that you are able to say you have tested for yourself - that is dishonesty - I suggest stop hiding behind books and find out for yourself what is really here equal to you and your delusion - as we have all fallen into the trap of believing without actual living.


Youtube Comment: The mind is important

My perspective: The mind consciousness system consists of pre-programmed systems and programs, which tells you how to live and who to be according to the universal mind as we have accepted our experience here to be. Thus life is not the mind. To step forth in self realised, self honest, self expression is to say I am no longer a conditioned program - I move me within self responsibility - not a programmed robot copied from others.


Youtube comment: Asthma is physical only:

My perspective: Our DNA as you are so able to recite about - is the programmed reverencing that is passed down from parent to child, which determines the programming of that child. What make up the DNA is all our accepted and conditioned experiences through past events/memories. We design these memories/events through our thoughts, feelings, emotions, fears, beliefs etc. We suggest stopping through self-forgiveness the conditioned factors, to stop the physical manifested outflow such as asthma.


Youtube comment: We should follow what science prescribes:

My perspective: Science has not been able to find effective practical common sense solutions, to stop suffering and abuse. It consists of methodologies and 'findings' which as the science enthusiasts here have all demonstrated to nicely - focuses on one thing: keep the world the same by giving people scientific reasons not to change, not to take all life into consideration and not take on and change the money system - because science has shown - you are subject to what it tells you - and not self directive.


Youtube comments on: What is a Money solution?

My perspective: I suggest equal money for all, together with each human having to face what we have accepted and allowed - because for an equal system to work, we have to change the way we accept and allow our own abuse and dishonesty, which has manifested in our world - thus each one will be taken to a point of facing themselves and those that remain here will work towards a solution that is best for all.

SF on beliefs:

yes I would suggest do SF on all beliefs, because the positive is just the opposite polarity - based on survival, protection, self interest.

E.g.: I forgive myself for believing that people who are considered within the system to be 'older' are to be respected in a way because they are in many ways fragile physically - therefore I have allowed me to believe they require special treatment.

I forgive myself for believing that woman are special because they bleed and have babies, which is depicted in society as being interesting, special and wondrous.

I forgive myself for believing that woman don’t have to be asked to do physical work, because if men say no to physical work they are lazy, but if woman say no it is because they ‘have a good reason.’

I forgive myself for holding back today before asking another woman to assist me with a physical task, and before asking I had the thought: but I can’t ask a woman to do these physical things. This is separation between the concept of man/woman – based in inequality and hidden agendas and mind constructs, in which man and woman ‘play roles’ – so that each eventually has a soft place to land where they can say: ‘but I am allowed to do that because I am a man/woman.

I forgive myself for experiencing anxiety, before asking a woman to assist me with something physical, because I allowed myself to access memories, where a woman has said to me: ‘but I don’t want to do that’

I forgive myself for finding it ‘easier’ to ask men to assist me in a physical task – because before asking them I have allowed myself to access the point of: ‘it is what is expected of them/it is their job’


Dimensional assistance in Dreams (taken from www.desteni.co.za):


Dreams as Reality? Discover yourself in Dreams

Understand that the Dream-Reality is no different to the Physical-Reality –

because in both-Realities a Beings’ experience is exactly the same, because the Being exist as the Mind –

and experience themselves as and through the Mind within both the Dream-Reality and the Physical-Reality.

In essence what I’m stating here is that Beings are not actually really existing in and as the Physical-Reality

= we’re existing in the Mind, separate from the Physical –

in essence, always existing within a ‘Dream-World’ of sorts as the Illusions of and as our own Mind.

Thus – the Dream-World, in terms of the experience of the Mind as you =

is the ‘real-Reality’, as the Mind’s own reality of itself as our ‘real-Reality’ –

in reality – the Physical do not actually exist for us,

all we’re always experiencing is ourselves as and of the Mind = not actually the Physical Here.

I, Chief – have taken responsibility for and as the Point of Dreams – finding practical ways/methods with which to utilize Dreams,

in assisting and supporting the Being in their Process of Self-Realization as the Physical equal and one Here.

(...) Dreams are now directly related to Self and Self alone - and will reflect suppressions/secrets/
denials/desires etc. – as

‘parts of Self that Self has separated Self from’ – to through Dreams ‘see the Truth of Self’ directly –
to from/through Dreams – assist and support Self within the Process of Self-Corrective-Action within Self-honest Self-Forgiveness –

and stop, stand-up and change/transform Self in every moment of breath as you participate in this world in Walking the Principle of Equality and Oneness as Life.

In this: ‘short-circuiting’ one’s Process – so that you don’t have to go through more events/ experiences within your world as manifested-Consequence to be able to ‘see the Truth of you’ and then only change/Stand-up –

which could take weeks, months even years to ‘play-out’ – dependent on the severity of the self-definition as a particular point of Mind.

(...) A suggestion, also – is that one do not ‘define Self according to/as dreams’ – otherwise, one will accept and allow self-limitation within that definition.

Simply realize/understand that dreams simply reflect/reveal parts of Self that Self has accepted and allowed Self to separate Self from.

Thus, it is to investigate the Dream-Self-Revelation self-honestly; change/transform Self in Living-application and Unconditionally let the point as the Dream go.

For even within holding onto a dream within Self – hold Self to that dream, enslaved to that dream – then Self cannot move Here – because Self is stuck in/as a Dream-Reality past-memory-Moment.


Desiring another (taken from www.desteni.co.za forum):

My perspective: With regards to dreams and feelings and thoughts in which you ‘desire another.’ A few weeks ago I was faced with the point of agreement. I walked into the point slowly and both me and the person I was consider agreement with, would run from the agreement at a moment’s notice. I looked at the point and saw that I was not willing to commit to another and to have to take responsibility for my words and deeds, considering agreements to be less than the other things I was doing and thus not valid - and if things got heated – we would both back out. We discussed the point and discussed how we were not willing to admit to us spending time together, because we did not want people to use the agreement word – which was of course linked as mentioned to the dishonesty of not standing within the application that is required when one is in a committed agreement.

Then a point was shared with all the people in the house with regards to agreements: if you find yourself thinking about other potentials, other people to go into agreement with or start desiring another – dishonesty – because you are not walking here in the agreement you established – simply because you now want another point, based in desire. So I looked at the point myself and realised that I was looking at ‘short-cutting’ the agreement to the point where there is a specific outcome. A point that I had foreseen as a potential expression for both myself and the other person, and now I was rushing forward to get to that point instead of slowing down and walking each point that requires my direction in it - in self honesty.

I forgive myself for allowing myself to desire to be with somebody in an agreement that is stable, to assist me and the other person in our application on a day-to-day basis.

I forgive myself for allowing myself to desire great communication, great friendship, great sex etc – before considering that these points are to be walked as myself in application – until it is here as me – not a system designed on my behalf.

I forgive myself for feeling that I deserve a specific agreement, equating stability as the ‘prize’ for being a good clever person – which is not real – walking an agreement as what is best for all – as equal support is the actuality of what is here – otherwise it would not be here – and that is what requires my direction (common sense).

I forgive myself for judging my decision to walk in a specific agreement – which is merely based on an opinion I have about agreements, having decided before hand by looking at other people – what I would like to ‘have.’

I forgive myself for observing other people in their beingness and within their application and desiring that experience – and going into emotion if I don’t experience that.

I forgive myself for expecting myself and the person who I am in an agreement with – to ‘do what other people do’ – be it comfortability, communication, expression, intimacy, sex, dedication..

I forgive myself for not saying the person’s name (Anthony) that I am in agreement with – which is again me leaving a back door to be able to run and not have to face the word agreement.

I forgive myself for speaking the words: ‘I watch other people in agreements and they are comfortable with each other, why are we not like that?’ I forgive myself for using examples and comparison and pushing the point through dishonesty as guilt and spitefulness.

I forgive myself for believing that if my agreement is ‘not easy’ it is because I am a difficult person. This is me allowing me to fall back into patterns where I blame myself for what another allows and experiences.

I forgive myself for allowing expectations and desired outcomes to direct my communication, movements and behaviors. I forgive myself. I walk this path one and equal, assisting, supporting me in self honesty, and effective opening of points where I have shut down my expression due to fear.


Youtube comment about: Falling from God’s Grace and vibrations?

My perspective: Healed the world situation with your vibrations lately? Didn't think so. You have never met a god therefore you don’t know if we fell from his grace - your just copying what you've read in books - if you look inside yourself you'll notice it makes you feel good about yourself. Waking up would be for each to stop hiding behind empty beliefs based in self gratification and become self honest, self directive, self forgiving. Anything else is enslavement to ideas and opinions.


Atheists and Christians – same shit different excuses

My perspective: Because both use their own beliefs and opinions as diversions as to why they don’t have to become self honest and self directive. Both apply their beliefs in self gratification based on 'personality' - not what is best for all. The mere fact that you prescribe to the programming of others, in which you accept what others do and follow in their shoes without considering and applying what is best for all - means you’re a programmed system - not life.


Youtube comment: 'I found god when I found evil':

My perspective: what you found was the evil within yourself as your mind, finding god is the excuse people use to not actually stand up to fears, but to abdicate and justify - look at it in common sense and self honesty - you had certain worldly experienced that were co-created by humans including yourself - you did not actually meet evil, neither did you 'find a god' - you accessed an experience within yourself called god.


Forum perspective on: Does applying ourselves in this world mean we should join charities like red cross?

Applying yourself here in practical common sense - does not mean having to join the red cross or give your money to someone. Charity and pity only keeps the constructs going, and nobody lives actual solutions. I suggest do what will assist you financially, to live in this world.

The point of effectiveness is when we start understanding how our feelings, perceptions, ideas around who we are - actually creates this world. Thus the suggestion is to consider that your violin ability is your programmed design, therefore it is suggested to stand equal to your programming, so that it is not something that is seen as more than or less than – because what I find is that we spend so much time worrying about our programmed nature – that in the end we are pre-occupied by the what ifs and completely actually disregard what is really going on in this world. –and how to actually direct ourselves through our perceived programmed limitations.

When we realise how we are able to accept ourselves, we are then able to decide what we accept and what we do not accept. If one finds yourself thinking, should I, what if, but... then you know you are subject to your own definitions as limitations – and that you have set up judgments about yourself which you are trying to please. I suggest look at what it is that is effective self support for you financially, and accept that you enjoy the violin. However what I see within your post – and this is something we ALL do – is that we tiptoe around issues – as if we have no actual self trust, no common sense, and we are confused by who we are in relation to the experiences we are having.

So what is cool is when we take a stand and we decide what it is that we are participating in. Because for us to stop what exists here we have to:

1) First get to appoint of self honesty

2) We have to realise who e are and self forgive that which has not served us

3) Then we become self directive within self responsibility – to actually ‘walk’ that which we have understood about ourselves, the practicality of what we do and how to live in this world in self honest, self expression that will stop all need, want, desire.


Youtube comment on: God versus the devil:

My perspective: God and the Devil are all inner manifestations of your mind - the two polarities of what you perceive within yourself to be good and bad. The devil you will blame for that which you do not accept and will not take responsibility for and god is that which you enjoy about yourself and will accept within this world. Take a common sense look -you have never met god or the devil, but within your mind moves all your thoughts and feelings and fears - I suggest investigate yourself


Interesting quotes taken from www.desteni.co.za forum:

  • Common sense: Common sense is existent within the physical, that which is commonly sensed between all physical (parts) to support itself
  • Life is that which you are looking for, but in looking for it, you’ll keep on missing it – because you are it in fact already. What you have to do is let go of your programmed self. Let go of your self-interest. Let go of everything that you have ever allowed yourself to be as ‘fact’, as ‘knowledge’.

    Because all of that; is ‘self-awareness’. All of that is self-interest. All of that is your attempt to make yourself more than what you are as each other in the essence of your origin, your genesis, your real truth.

- Bernard Poolman


My response: humans have not evolved - we are still consumed in self interest supported by the theory of a god that will save our arses. All that evolves is our dishonesty and we will use every excuse to hold onto what we already have - such as - 'nooo don’t talk about what REALLY requires to be done in actuality to stop world suffering - lets rather watch Nasa do some really entertaining stuff!' Evolving would be each human taking self responsibility and becoming self honest.


Forgiveness regret (taken from www.desteni.co.za forum)

I forgive myself for allowing myself to experiencing regret, due to the fact that I barely made it through highschool (lol)

I forgive myself for when looking at my grade 12 certificate - allowing me to experience regret and a moment of stupidity - as if that piece of paper and that 'result' - reflects on who I am

I forgive myself for allowing myself to regret the decisions I make sometimes

Today I experienced myself feeling and thinking I am stupid - I forgive myself for allowing myself to feel saddened by the decisions I have made.

I forgive myself for allowing doubts and indecisiveness to creep in because I am faced with a point that I have not directed effectively.

I forgive myself for experiencing dread and regret because I am not directing this situation according to what is best for me.

I forgive myself for thinking thoughts such as: I am doing it wrong’ – just because I don’t experience the outcome – I ‘want’

I forgive myself for expecting the worst, when it comes to this specific point, instead of taking out ALL EXPECTATIONS, ALL MEMORIES, ALL EGO and directing me here, no matter then what the outcome

Youtube comment on: We should respect Traditions:

My perspective: Why would we want to 'respect' traditions? I am not a tradition. Traditions were designed based on enlightened self interest, where I get to design 'traditional' behaviours that I engage myself in to participate in my mind, which leaves me feeling special and warm and blessed. Traditions are an excuse to not take self responsibility. The word itself tacitly implies that one will not act in the best interest of all, because you have implemented rules and ideas to make your life something apparently great - while we ignore the tradition to leave others to suffer.


People who strive to be ‘higher’:

My perspective: 'Higher being' is a delusion designed by people who are unable to face themselves in this world. Look at it for yourself - there are no 'higher beings.' Who you are is who you are now - this is the truth of each being. When people attempt to present themselves as 'higher' than that - look at what happens - they walk around, thinking really hard all day about what they have to emanate and resonate and say -to 'appear' higher - but it is a feeling they create within themselves - which practically in this world cannot be maintained - it cannot be shared equally and it won’t solve the problems of the world – because it is not livable common sense -but takes the ‘observer’ into higher mind realities – rather than focusing on what requires to be done here to stop abuse – such as an equal money system.


Youtube comment: What will happen in 2012?

My perspective: Nothing will happen from the perspective of Aliens or ascension etc. What will happen is we will continue as we are now – accepting and allowing our dishonesty and abuse of ourselves and others. What might change -is who we are as self responsibility – where each person becomes aware of themselves and what we say and allow within ourselves – and this will change how we externalize ourselves in the world. I suggest watch this Desteni video on 2012: A New World BEFORE 2012 is POSSIBLE - SEE HOW!!!:



Youtube comment: 'we must all turn to the light to stop abuse in this world'

My perspective: Tell you what - go into situations where beings are abused and stop what is happening with all your mumbo jumbo - then make a video sharing the actual results. Or place yourself equal and one in those situations and go through rape, torture, abuse, slaughter and film it for us while you use your enlightened powers to stop the experiences - otherwise what do you show - your knowledge is useless!


Youtube question: How will a new money system work and what about medication?

Implementing an equal money, equal labour system will mean everybody gets the same amount at birth and all basic costs are covered. Labour will be done equally by all. As for medication, that will be given to people as chemical support - because it will take a while for people to become self honest and start paying attention to why we get ill and from there work with our structural resonance - children will be taught this from young - where self honesty as self support is encouraged.


Youtube comment: The world problems exist because there is an ‘evil force’ at work.

My perspective: Your comment is based on hearsay - you have neither met an 'evil force' or a jesus - you are only repeating information from within your belief system which you designed to support you in your fears of actually standing up for life equally and taking self responsibility. If you support life you start questioning what really exists here and you use basic common sense to evaluate what is real and what is merely belief. The tendency of man is to blame an evil force for what they see exists within them and others – that is why religion exists – it is easier to be dishonest that way.


Desteni Forum question: Clicking sounds in ears when reading:

My perspective: I would suggest look at patterns that are being accessed while reading. Which emotion, behavior and thought patterns are being accessed as you read – which is shown by the accessing of a physical click – linked to the knowledge and information centers ‘around’ the head region/inner ear region.


Desteni Forum question: During pregnancy, does Self-Forgiveness affect the baby?

My perspective: The SF you do is for yourself as yourself - thus the child might develop according to who you become because of YOUR SF or might manifest the suppressed points you have not directed or forgiven. Change as self goes through and changes through to a DNA level - thus it is within this that the child might develop according to the DNA as 'who you are.'