Tuesday, July 12, 2011

'Applying Self-Corrective statements after Self-Forgiveness'- Demonology forum perspective

Response to a Self-Forgiveness thread on the Demonology forum:

After Applying Self Forgiveness the key within stopping patterns is…

'Now the self corrective statements are where you through taking self responsibility for what you have participated in as the pattern - write out what you no longer accept and how you will stop once in the pattern. This allows one to prepare the way for yourself when you are faced with the same point. Therefore - if your self forgiveness was not specific enough or you had missed points - then you will find that next time you are in the same pattern - and there is still backchat as reactions, pictures, thoughts, feelings, emotions etc - then you know it is time to go back to writing - to identify what and why the backchat exists. This you do each time - peeling the layers of your backchat mind until it is clear and you are not affected by your environment and others as the pattern of anger you have created.

I suggest write down after applying self forgiveness - did the pattern change, did anything else come up, did the justifications change, were you present within the pattern as a starting point of becoming aware of yourself within the principle of stopping, did you use breathing to assist yourself in stopping?'

Original post:


'I remember my past lives' - Demonology forum perspective

Response to an Introduction on Demonology forum - in relation to 'I have a spiritual name and remember my past lives'.

Hi Sigha

Welcome to the demonology forum.

On this forum we also work with grounding ourselves from existing in the mind as memories and knowledge based on 'who we think we were in past lives' - to get into the physical and work with what it means to be here as the physical. It is because everyone wants to exist as something special - some spiritual purpose - that each human remains trapped in the mind in a 'mind possession' based on the desire to be something more than who you are as the physical - which is how we as humanity have separated ourselves from what we allow in this reality as the abuse of life.

Therefore when participating on this forum - please understand and consider the context within which we work - which is to stop the mind as fantasy and knowledge of what we would like to be - and to focus on aligning ourselves here as practical common sense as the breath. By each doing this we stop separating ourselves into parts of ourselves into 'the mind' - and thus remain here on earth in the physical.

You will notice that in the writings on the forum people expose themselves as they have accepted themselves thus far - which has only been 'in the mind' - and through our writings we 'take apart' how we have constructed our mind and why we have constructed it so.

I suggest for further perspectives watch this video by an Interdimensional being through the portal - explaining separation into the mind:

Inversion to Oneness with The Universe


Original post:


Saturday, June 11, 2011